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Messaggio di auguri del Presidente della Repubblica armena Armen Sarkissian al Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella, in occasione della Festa Nazionale del 2 giugno

“I state with satisfaction that relations between Armenia and Italy, which are developing in the spirit of partnership and mutual trust, continue to expand, encompassing new areas. Armenia attaches importance to a continuous strengthening and development of cooperation between our countries.

I recall particularly warmly our regular contacts. I am confident that my forthcoming state visit to Italy will give a boost to the multifaceted Armenian-Italian relations.

I express my sincere support and solidarity with the people of the friendly Italy in these times of the pandemic which transcends borders and unprecedented crisis caused by it. I highly value efforts of your country aimed at saving human lives and mitigation of the consequences of the pandemic. I am confident that soon the pandemic will be defeated, we will get back to our normal lives and will double our efforts aimed at the establishment of the strongest possible relations between our countries”.


Armen Sarkissian

Presidente della Repubblica di Armenia